If you would like to support this group, or learn more about how to get involved, please reach out to Barbara Moore, Residential Director at barbara.moore@missionofyahweh.org. Please pray for these women and for the Mission of Yahweh.
Picture this. It’s Wednesday night, about 6:50 pm. All the chores are finished, everyone has been fed and the kitchen is cleaned. Suddenly, a sea of yellow t-shirts begins moving slowly on the backs of 30 or more women walking toward the dining room for a meeting of sisters.
Darlene Jones, the facilitator for the group, calls everyone to attention and they open with the Serenity Prayer. You have probably heard of this prayer as it is recited at AA Meetings, NA and other recovery groups that meet across the nation – but this prayer has new meaning here at The Mission. To these ladies it means learning to accept hardship as a pathway to peace, changing the things they can change with God’s grace and learning to trust that God will teach them how to let go and let God.
This is not a mandatory meeting, they come on their own accord because another resident invited them. This group has grown from 15 members to 36+ members now and still growing. To encourage each other they begin with sharing their personal “word of the day.” They call out responses like “hopeful, peaceful, blessed, tired, weary, afraid, or elated”. They talk about new job opportunities, custody battles won, and everyday struggles. They pray with each other, share one another’s burdens, shoulder each other’s pain, and they unite in their prayers, confident that God will prevail.
This group was created by Ms. Barbara Moore, Residential Director and Ms. Darlene Jones, Food Service Manager, both former residents themselves. They know the power in supporting each other and encourage each woman to come in with hopeful hearts to seek out peace at this meeting.
Because of you, your prayers and your support - these women have found a refuge. You have given of your heart to see them succeed. Sometimes we all need a hand-up and it’s working! These women have used the resources you’ve provided with your gifts to expand their experience and build on relationships. Your influence here has such an amazing impact on all involved at The Mission and it is spreading!
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